b. Surrogacy Ukraine
More and more German couples are fulfilling their desire to have children through surrogacy abroad. Ukraine had established itself as a very popular destination country until the start of the war in early 2022. This was due to the surrogacy infrastructure there - with numerous agencies, clinics and surrogate mothers - as well as the comparatively favourable costs and, last but not least, the legal situation there, which is positive for foreign intended parents.
- Current information on Ukraine
The War in Ukraine has significantly restricted surrogacy since the beginning of 2022. Staying in Ukraine can be dangerous not only for surrogate mothers, but also for the intended parents. Regardless of the risk to life and limb, the necessary documents to leave Ukraine with the newborn child and enter Germany are often lacking. This requires improvisation skills, but also the use of resources that are still accessible.
Dr Oldenburger, an experienced surrogacy lawyer, supports them in this and helps them to prepare and implement border crossings legally.
Through a Agreement between the German and Ukrainian chambers of notaries This makes it easier to implement the necessary declarations from surrogate mothers into German law. Honorary consulates can also be used to issue temporary travel documents without having to travel to the embassy in Kiev, which may be closed.
According to media reports, there are agencies and clinics in Ukraine that are the focus of investigations by the public prosecutor's office on suspicion of child trafficking. We therefore strongly recommend that you inform yourself about the current legal situation before concluding a contract and do not sign any contract without consulting a lawyer.
Below we provide you with an overview of the legal framework for surrogacy in Ukraine and practical information for intended parents, taking into account the German ban on surrogacy. Dr Oldenburger has been successfully assisting parents and families throughout Germany and internationally in the planning and realisation of surrogacy since 2014.
- Medical options and legal framework
Surrogacy is illegal in Ukraine by law allowed and regulated. The intended parents must fulfil the following requirements: They must be Married and opposite-sex be. A (successful) pregnancy of the intended mother must not be medically possible, and the intended father must make his sperm available for artificial insemination.
The requirements for the Ukrainian Surrogate mother are as follows:
- Minimum age 18 years (of legal age)
- Already have at least one child of your own
- Physical and mental fitness in relation to pregnancy and birth
In surrogacy, the embryo is created in the laboratory using In vitro fertilisationsometimes also with the ICSI method, in which the sperm is injected directly into the egg - but always the Sperm of the intended father can be used.
The use of own eggs is not required by law in Ukraine. This means that the intended parents can own eggs but can also procure eggs from other donors via a donor bank. As is usual in other countries, the donor remains anonymous. It is important that these legal requirements are met, otherwise the legalisation of parenthood in Germany may fail.
Ukrainian law also allows for a Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PID) and the Selection of gender of the embryo carried by the surrogate mother. The agency or clinic contract usually contains more details on this. However, if you require special examinations that go beyond the standardised measures, these should be included in the contract negotiations and explicitly made the subject of the agency's or clinic's obligations. This depends on special aspects and risks that should be included in the consultations in order to be able to base your surrogacy on them.
Even before the birth, the intended father can Recognising parenthood. However, this requires the Consent of the surrogate mother. Paternity is usually recognised before a German notary. However, it is also possible to submit a declaration of recognition after the birth in Ukraine. This requires a Honorary Consulate or the German Embassy be visited in Kiev. Due to the war, such an approach is not recommended. As the Consent of the surrogate mother If the declaration must be notarised, it may make sense to make this declaration before a Ukrainian notary on the basis of the cooperation agreement.
However, a parent cannot make any decisions for the child with a formal acknowledgement of paternity alone. For this he needs the Custody. The surrogate mother is entitled to this, even though she is not a mother under Ukrainian law. In order to be able to exercise joint custody rights with her, the surrogate mother must have a so-called Declaration of custody hand it in. This can also be done at a Ukrainian notary's office. We support you at this important interface, because without an effective declaration of custody, intended parents cannot take care of their child, e.g. carry out medical examinations, apply for parental leave, make registrations, etc.
- Birth certificate in Ukraine
After the birth, the German intended parents can register as parents at the local registry office in Ukraine and obtain a corresponding Birth certificate be issued. Under Ukrainian law, the surrogate mother has no right to assume maternity for the child. Depending on the contractual agreements, the contracted agency regularly provides support in this regard.
- Return of the family to Germany - problems & solutions
German law always recognises the woman who gave birth to the child as the mother. It is therefore generally not possible in Germany to directly adopt the legal intended motherhood - and a corresponding official decision from Ukraine is recognised here just as little as a Ukrainian birth certificate.
The Federal Court of Justice expressly ruled in 2019 that a woman may not register as the mother of her child carried by a Ukrainian surrogate mother at the registry office on the basis of a Ukrainian birth certificate can be registered (BGH, decision of 20 March 2019, ref. XII ZB 530/17).
While recognising the paternity of the intended father is usually unproblematic in Germany, the intended mother, on the other hand, will always have to resort to a paternity suit due to the legal situation described above. Stepchild adoption referred, if the route via recognition of a Ukrainian parentage decision is being walked.
Two aspects were decisive for the BGH's decision: Firstly, the habitual residence of the child, which determines the applicable law. This residence, like that of the intended parents, was in Germany, so German law was to be applied with regard to parentage. After all, according to the judges, it was clear to all parties involved that the child would travel to Germany with the intended parents soon after birth and live there. And secondly, the BGH clarified that a Birth certificate not a decision is to be recognised in Germany.
- Legal opinion as a solution
Similar to judicial parentage decisions, which are provided for in many US states (including California, Nevada, Ohio, etc.), it has also been possible for some time in Ukraine to obtain a court decision on parentage to obtain. To this end, the courts regularly require a Legal opinion from Germany, which explains the requirements for a special need for legal protection following a court decision.
Dr Oldenburger prepares such legal opinions for you in individual cases in order to obtain the necessary legal protection.
In this way, it is possible to have parental status established in Ukraine by means of a court decision. The parental status derived from this can then be recognised in Germany, unlike a birth certificate alone. We also carry out the corresponding procedures for you. This avoids stepchild adoption, which is currently associated with considerable problems and an unclear time horizon.
- Nationality and residence
The child regularly obtains German citizenship through the (German) citizenship of the intended father. If the other requirements are met, this is linked to the option of having a temporary German passport for the child.