- Studied social sciences in Hanover from 1989 - 1996
- Studied law in Hanover from 1990 - 1995
- Legal clerkship at the OLG Celle (1995 - until 1997)
- Admission to the bar 1998
- Self-employed lawyer in Celle until 2010 (specialising in family and medical law)
- Partner at the law firm Lehmann und Partner (Hanover) from 2010 to 2016
- 2016 - 2022 artvocati (family law, Hanover)
- 2019 - 2024 Head of the Family Law Department at Rose & Partner (Hamburg)
Dr Marko Oldenburger
Dr Marko Oldenburger
Specialist lawyer for family law and medical law
- Staff member at the chair of Prof Dr Kühne (Leibniz University Hannover)
- Scholarship holder of the VW Foundation for impact research on court decisions
- Research activity on international demands for reform of family law, Leibniz University Hannover, Chair of Prof Dr Meder (2010 - 2013)
- Lecturer at the ZEW of Leibniz University Hannover (2015 - 2019)
- Research project on English family and maintenance law (DFG) from 2009 - until 2013
- Doctorate in family law, child maintenance in England, in 2013
- Lecturer at the University of Münster, Institute for German and International Family Law (since 2023)
- Specialised course in mediation (2003)
- Specialist lawyer for family law (since 2006)
- Specialist lawyer course in tax law (2008)
- Specialist lawyer for medical law (since 2011)
- Legislative Committee on Family Law in the DAV
- German Family Court Conference e.V.
- Working group on family law in the German Bar Association
- Medical Law Working Group of the German Bar Association
- Interest group of employers, self-employed and entrepreneurs e.V.
- Hanover Lawyers' and Notaries' Association
- Honorary membership Glücksmomente e.V.
Monographs, contributions
- Recognising surrogacy carried out abroad, in Budzikiewicz/ Heiderhoff/ Klinkhammer/ Niethammer-Jürgens (eds.), Grenzen und Grenzverschiebungen im internationalen Familienrecht, 2024, p.25 ff.
- Kischkel/Ostholdt (ed.), Handkommentar Familienrecht, new edition of: §§ 1589-1590, before §§ 1591-1599 BGB, §§ 1591-1599 BGB, §§ 1600-1600d BGB (in preparation for autumn 2024)
- Rieck/Lettmaier, Foreign Family Law, new commentary on the Florida and California sections (in preparation for autumn 2024)
- Rieck/Lettmaier, Ausländisches Familienrecht, 23rd EL (2023), Verlag C.H.Beck, Munich (country section England and Wales, completely revised)
- Modern parenthood - challenges for a modern parentage law, special edition Family Law Compact 2022
- The best interests of the child in law - Establishment, organisation and loss of parental custody, Göttingen 2018
- Geschichtliche Entwicklung des Unterhaltsrechts in England, in: Stephan Meder; Christoph Eric Mecke (eds.), Reformforderungen zum Familienrecht International, Vol. 1, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2015, p. 408 ff.
- Child maintenance in England - From the Poor Relief Act 1598 to the Child Support Act 1991, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2014
- Three parents and one child, in FK 2024, 95
- Surrogacy in Germany? in FuR 2024, 408
- Reforms in family law - frustration or joy? Lawyers' Journal 2024, 140
- Key point papers of the BMJV: How national parentage law is to be adapted, FK 2024, 106
- Will there be a second female parent position? FK 2024, 87
- Becoming parents isn't difficult, is it? FK (Family Law Compact) 2024, 69
- The social-familial relationship as a means of preventing paternity?, in NZFam 2023, 817
- European parenthood - is that possible? in Ad Legendum 2023, 173
- Cross-border custody conflicts, in NJW-aktuell 28/2023, 12
- European parenthood - Is harmonisation possible? in NZFam 2023, 632
- The Embryo Protection Act of 1990 - mission accomplished?, in NZFam 2022, 870
- Modern parenthood, FK (Family Law Compact), Issue 1 /2022
- Voluntary parenthood, NZFam 2021, 853
- Your child, my child, our child, FK (Family Law Compact) 1/2021, 120
- Parentage law 2.0? NZFam 2020, 985
- The parentage of surrogate mothers' children, in NZFam 2020, 457
- Does The German Judiciary Truly Consider A Child's Best Interest? in: Lawyer Monthly, July 2019
- The Welfare of Children in Germany's Legal System, Lawyer Monthly Magazine, January 2018, p. 75
- Getting through the hardship of divorce, in: Lawyer Monthly Magazine, November 2017, p. 69
- New laws strengthen hospice and palliative care, in: pflegen: palliativ, issue 29/2016, p. 28 ff.
- Assisted suicide & Hospice and Palliative Care Act - What should change?, in: pflegen: palliativ, Issue 28/2015, p. 40 ff.
- Relatives and friends - who is allowed to know what?, in: pflegen: palliativ, Issue 2/2011, p. 23 ff.
- Trends in the judicial approach to protection and assistance, in: ZRP 1999, pp. 502 - 507 (with Prof. Dr H. A Hesse et al.)
- Cryopreservation of germ cells in the case of gender reassignment not a SHI benefit, comment on LSG Celle-Bremen, judgement v. 11.10.2023 - L 4 KR 291/23, jurisPR-MedR 7/2024 note 3
- Deductibility of expenses for artificial insemination of an unmarried and healthy woman as an extraordinary burden, comment on BFH, judgement v. 29/02/2024 - VI R 2/22, jurisPR-MedR 6/2024 note 4
- Procedural guardian in adoption law recognition proceedings, note by OLG Frankfurt/M., decision of 25 March 2024 - 1 UF 266/23, NZFam 2024, 713
- Obligation to appoint a guardian ad litem in proceedings pursuant to Section 2 AdWirkG, comment on OLG Frankfurt/M., decision of 25 March 2024, 1 UF 266/23, jurisPR-FamR 14/2024 note 1
- Change in case law on the parenthood of biological fathers, note on note BVerfG 1st Senate, judgement of 09.04.2024 - 1 BvR 2017/21, jurisPR-FamR 10/2024 note 1
- Father, mother, father, child, beck-aktuell v. 10.04.2024
- A bold plan, NJW-aktuell 9/2024, p. 15
- Stepchild adoption not only serves the best interests of the child, but is also necessary, comment on OLG Frankfurt/M. Decision of 12 December 2023, 2 UF 33/23, FK 2024, 43
- Entry of the intended parents in the main entry of the register of births on the basis of a postnatal foreign parentage decision, comment on Cologne Local Court, decision of 3 January 2024, Ref. 378 III 175/23, NZFam 2024, 378
- Stepchild adoption in the case of surrogacy by the non-biological intended mother, comment on OLG Frankfurt/M. Decision of 12 December 2023, 2 UF 33/23, NZFam 2024, 306
- GenDG stands in the way of obtaining a parentage report abroad, comment on OLG Celle, decision of 30 January 2023, Ref. 21 UF 124/20, FK 2024, 23
- Stepchild adoption proceedings after surrogacy, comment on Munich District Court, decision of 5 October 2023, case no. 52721 F 1965/22, NZFam 2024, 40
- No exclusion of representation of civil partners for the recognition of parenthood in the context of a birth by a surrogate mother, comment on OLG Munich, decision V. 01.08.2023, Ref. 16 UF 614/23e, NZFam 2023, 1095
- No implied choice of law when using a general Islamic model marriage contract | Note on OLG Celle of 14 December 2022 - 15 UF 137/21 | jurisPR-FamR 20/2023 Note 3
- Recognition of a foreign parentage decision without genetic parentage from the intended parents, comment on AG Sinsheim, decision of 15 May 2023, 20 F 278/22, BeckRS 2023, 10061, in NZFam 2023, 856
- No extraordinary expenses for expenses in connection with a surrogate maternity | Note on BFH of 10/08/2023 - VI R 29/21 | jurisPR-MedizinR 10/2023 Note 1
- No bringing forward of the assessment date for a social-familial relationship in paternity challenges, comment on OLG Naumburg, decision of 28 July 2021 (Ref. 8 UF 95/21), in NZFam 2023, 664
- Necessity of a formative guideline of the JCC for entitlement to benefits in kind pursuant to Section 27a (4) SGB V even in the event of a change in the law | Note on LSG Celle-Bremen of 14 October 2022 - L 16 KR 256/21 | jurisPR-MedizinR 6/2023 Note 2
- Ministerial decision not a decision within the meaning of Section 108 FamFG, comment on OLG Celle, decision of 23 January 2023 (Ref. 21 UF 171/19), in FK 2023, 130
- Transfer of the birth certificate of a child with same-sex parents to the civil status register of another member state, comment on ECJ of 24 June 2022 - C-2/21 | in: jurisPR-FamR 25/2022 note 1
- Reimbursement claim for artificial insemination in other EU countries only for measures permitted by the German Embryo Protection Act, comment on LSG Chemnitz, judgement of 09.03.2022 (L 1 KR 247/16), in jurisPR MedizinR 9/22, note 4
- Deductibility of expenses for artificial insemination as an extraordinary burden within the meaning of Section 33 EstG, comment on FG Hannover, Urt. v. 14.12.2021 (6 K 20/21), in jurisPR MedizinR 9/22, note 5
- Comment on Munich Social Court, court order of 26 January 2022 (S 7 KR 242/21), in MedR 2022, 628
- No claim for reimbursement for artificial insemination in the event of violation of the ESchG, in jurisPR MedizinR 4/22, note 4
- Partial immorality of a marriage contract, core area doctrine and functional equivalence, comment on OLG Celle v. 09.03.2021 - 17 UF 172/20, jurisPR-MedizinR 9/2021 note 3
- Same-sex co-mother is not a father, in FK (Familienrecht Kompakt) 7/2021, 120
- Restriction of the second parental position in § 1592 No. 1 BGB to husbands unconstitutional, comment on OLG Celle of 24 March 2021 - 21 UF 146/20, in jurisPR-FamR 15/2021 note 8
- Fundamental requirement for approval by ethics committee for PGD of trophectoderm cells - comment on: BVerwG v 02.12.2020 - 3 C 6/19 - jurisPR-MedizinR 5/2021
- Profession-specific risks do not stand in the way of an attribution of liability - comment on: BGH of 8 December 2020 - VI ZR 19/20 - jurisPR-MedizinR 3/2021 note 1
- No temporary injunction pursuant to Section 32 (1) BVerfGG in custody-related eA proceedings prior to a decision after an oral hearing - comment on: BVerwG of 29 December 2020 - 1 BvR 2652/20 | jurisPR-MedizinR 2/2021 Note 3
- Offer recommendations do not justify compulsory treatment, in juris-PR MedR 6/2020, note 1
- Justification of interference with fundamental rights only by established facts relevant to the decision, in juris-PR MedR 8/2020, Note 1
- No loss of personality increasing compensation for pain and suffering without independent disease value in the case of birth injuries, in: juris-PR MedR 10/2020, Note 3
- Parentless parenthood permissible, in: jurisPR-FamR 11/2020, Note 4
- Maintenance claim of the mother of an illegitimate child against the father's heirs, in: juris-PR FamR 4/2020, Note 4
- Courts must consider the content of the parties' submissions, in: juris-PR MedR 3/2020, Note 5
- Status-neutral review of foreign paternity determinations possible in Germany, in: juris-PR FamR 23/2019, Note 5
- No recognisability of foreign birth certificates and register entries that identify intended parents as parents on the occasion of surrogacy, in: juris-PR FamR 16/2019, note 3
- Residence status: Ordinary residence of a child born in Ukraine to a surrogate mother and brought to Germany by the intended parents, in: juris-PR FamR 15/2019, note 3
- State-specific hospital planning can only be reviewed under federal law within the framework of Section 162 SGG or in the event of a violation of the prohibition of arbitrariness, in: juris-PR MedR 7/2019, Note 2
- Exclusion of stepchild adoption in non-marital unions unconstitutional, in: juris-PR FamR 14/2019, note 1
- No simultaneous participation in general practitioner and specialist care, in: juris-PR MedR 6/2019, Note 1
- In principle, the need to continue living with suffering is not eligible for compensation, in: juris-PR FamR 12/2019, note 1
- Hygiene deficiencies in hospital rooms as a fully controllable risk, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 4/2019, Note 1
- Entitlement to benefits in kind due to fictitious authorisation pursuant to Section 13 (3a) sentence 6 SGB V, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 2/2019, Note 1
- Local jurisdiction of the youth welfare organisation if the parents have different residences and personal care is divided between them, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 2/2019, Note 3
- No entry of the wife as "additional mother" in the birth register, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 24/2018, Note 3
- No restriction to domestic service providers in the case of private self-procurement of a fictitiously authorised service pursuant to Section 13 (3a) SGB V, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 10/2018, Note 1
- Calculation and limitation of equalisation claims in the case of other provisions within the meaning of Section 426 (1) BGB, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 20/2018, Note 6
- Judge's reservation for the fixation of mentally ill inpatients, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 7/2018, Note 1
- Disagreement between parents on how to deal with gender dysphoric behaviour and the child's expressed wishes, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 7/2018, Note 6
- Liability of the designated body for culpable breaches of duty, comment on BGH judgement v. 22 June 2017 - VII ZR 36/14, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 10/2017, Note 1
- Violation of parental rights by removal of custody without sufficient determination of a risk to the child's welfare, comment on BVerfG decision of 13 July 2017 - 1 BvR 1202/1, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 20/2017, note 2
- Permissible institute authorisation for obstetric hospital department, comment on BSG, judgement of 25.01.2017, B 6 KA 11/16 R, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 9/2017, note 1
- Burden of presentation and proof in maintenance modification proceedings, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 10/2017
- Requirements and judicial review obligations for expert opinions in guardianship matters, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 9/2017
- Considerability of another lis pendens also in proceedings in EU non-member states, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 8/2017
- Veterinarian liable for risky examination of a foal, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 3/2017
- The organisation of holiday visits is fundamentally a matter of access rights, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 23/2016
- Requirements for the specificity of living wills, in: juris PraxisReport Family and Inheritance Law 21/2016
- BAG surcharge for members in the referral quarter, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 7/2016
- Requirements for the factual clarification by the court in committal orders under the PsychKG, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 25/2015
- Grossly unreasonable partial exclusion of pension equalisation due to the exercise of a lump-sum option, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 19/2015
- No claims for compensation against parents of former partner for investments in their property, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 16/2015
- Serious impairment of the best interests of the child within the meaning of Art. 13 para. 1 lit. b) in conjunction with Art. 17 HCCA. Art. 17 HCCA in the event of a stay order by the court of the state of origin, in: juris PraxisReport Family and Inheritance Law 14/2015
- Inpatient liposuction does not meet the quality and cost-effectiveness criteria of Section 2 (1) sentence 3 SGB V, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 6/2015
- Legality of the graduation regulation in the Brandenburg fee distribution agreement, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 5/2015
- Duration and timing of other activities within the meaning of Section 20 (1) sentence 1 Ärzte-ZV n.F., in juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 3/2015
- Duty and scope of review of expert opinions, in: juris PraxisReport Family and Inheritance Law 7/2015
- Authorisation requirements for coercive medical measures, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 10/2014
- Unconstitutionality of Section 32a (2) sentence 1 of the VBL statutes, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 5/2014
- Requirements for expert opinions in cases of hospitalisation and compulsory medical treatment, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 2/2014
- No inclusion of benefits in kind in pension equalisation, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 24/2013
- Costs of interference contrary to fundamental rights (here: secret GPS surveillance) not reimbursable, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 22/2013
- Educational maintenance after a three-year orientation phase, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 18/2013
- Requirements for an advertising ban on "before and after pictures" pursuant to Section 11 (1) HWG (new version), in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 8/2013
- Adjustment pursuant to §§ 33, 34 VersAusglG not a compound decision, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 16/2013
- Laboratory services not direct treatment methods, in : juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 6/2013
- Use of pocket money for parental maintenance, juris PraxisReport Family and Inheritance Law 9/2013
- Order of suspensive effect in the case of recovery notices based on grossly negligent incorrect fee statements, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 3/2013
- Prerequisites for cancellation of a priority notice of conveyance in the case of participation by heirs, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 9/2012
- Calculation of the case value reduction in accordance with section 7.5 HVV, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 3/2012
- Restrictions on the licence to practise lead to the withdrawal of participation in contract medical care, juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 2/2012
- Restrictions on the licence to practise lead to withdrawal of participation in SHI-accredited medical care, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 2/2012
- No loss of entitlement to training maintenance if the start of training is delayed due to pregnancy and three years of childcare, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 24/2011
- Nullity of private remuneration agreements in guardianship law, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 17/2011
- Inequity of a continuing maintenance claim, in: jurisPraxisReport Family and Inheritance Law 13/2011
- Duty of the trial judge to clarify when determining the validity of a private will consisting of several individual sheets, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 11/2011
- Violation of the prohibition of allocation against payment in the case of company shareholdings ("Hearing aid supply II"), in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 4/2011
- Liability of heirs for breaches of the testator's duty to provide information, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 4/2011
- Lapsing guarantee function of the collective declaration even in the case of recognisable errors in the billing software, in: juris PraxisReport Medizinrecht 2/2011
- Application of the BGB to inheritance law relationships of non-marital descendants after reunification, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 12/2010
- Requirements for the reimbursement of costs in accordance with § 74 SGB XII, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 8/2010
- Usufruct and gift tax, in: juris PraxisReport Family and Inheritance Law 25/2009
- Requirements for a custody decision in accordance with § 1696 Para. 1 BGB in the area of conflict with Art. 6 GG, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 18/2009
- Requirements and content of the registration of fractional usufruct and conditional usufruct of the survivor, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 12/2009
- Undue hardship in the equalisation of pensions under the law of obligations: Standards of assessment and assessment times, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 5/2009
- PKH: Necessary travelling expenses in the case of unrestricted attachment, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 7/2008
- Top-up maintenance only in the case of marital disadvantage, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 24/2007
- Child-raising periods in pension equalisation, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 23/2007
- Limits and scope of formative capital income, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 19/2007
- No pro rata cash maintenance obligation for non-parity alternating models, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 11/2007
- Nullity in case of violation of §§ 1587a, 1587b BGB, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 11/2007
- No withdrawal of the right of residence determination despite strong attachment intolerance, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 9/2007
- Duty to provide information pursuant to §§ 53b para. 2 FGG, 11 para. 2 VAHRG, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 8/2007
- Interim dispute as a necessary measure within the meaning of Section 1666 (1) BGB, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 5/2007
- Information required in legal aid proceedings, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 23/2006
- Entitlement to old-age maintenance in relation to an appeal not lodged against pension equalisation, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 15/2006
- Compensation for use after voluntary departure of the sole owner spouse, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 13/2006
- Entitlement stage of the occupational pension scheme remains static, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 8/2006
- Reduction of an equalisation pension if one's own reasonable needs are jeopardised, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 4/2006
- No reviewability of the content of a proper discretionary decision in public law pension equalisation, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 2/2006
- Requirements for proof of serious efforts to find a training place in order to continue receiving child benefit, in: juris PraxisReport Familien- und Erbrecht 2/2006
Lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia
- Children's wishes in family law, seminar (planned for spring 2025), GJI
- Beyond names, gender and ancestry - an overview of the reforms - seminar (planned for spring 2025), GJI
- Between fear and hope - German biological parents in wartime conditions, 3rd Reproductive Law Congress, Board of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Law Committee of the National Advocacy Bar Association, Kiev, 08.11.2024
- Current developments in parentage and filiation law, lecture at the Schwetzingen Family Law Days 2024, 25 October 2024/ 11 November 2024
- Questions of parentage law with a foreign connection, seminar, HWR (Berlin), 28 May 2024
- The recognition of surrogacy carried out abroad, lecture, 6th Dialogue in International Family Law, Philipps University Marburg, 8/9 March 2024
- Responsibility and community in modern societies, 19th Göttingen Workshop on Family Law on 10 November 2023
- Family Law, Lecture, University of Münster WS 2023/24
- Kinship, parentage and parental law, lecture Schwetzinger Familienrechtstage 2023 (SiS) on 28 September 2023
- Legalisation of egg donation, DJB e.V., on 06.06.2023
- Future of surrogacy and egg donation in Germany, symposium/ panel discussion A.L.L.E. on 12 May 2023 in Berlin
- Law of descent, lecture, University of Münster SS 2023
- Children's wishes and reproductive medicine in family law, seminar GJI on 17 November 2022
- Challenges of reproductive medicine for family law, lecture on 23 June 2022 at DAT 2022 (Hamburg)
- The best interests of the child as a guiding principle in social work, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (November 2017)
- Strengthening self-determined lifestyles - introducing a community of responsibility, expert opinion in the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag on 26 October 2020
- Current reform efforts in child and youth welfare, TH Köln, Institute for Social Law (October 2018)
- Legal foundations in the management of non-profit organisations, Leibnitz University Hannover (2015-2019)
- Healthcare proxy and living will, Viscom AG, Health Day, Seminar Hanover 2019
Media, press and TV
- Sperm donation from coma patient allowed? Illu of the woman, April 2024
- One click to your dream child, SZ 30/31/03/01/04/2024
- CHILD DESIRE WITHOUT A PARTNER - "Better attach a child to a guy": Why solo mothers have a hard time in Germany, BuzzFeed.news v. 09.03.2024
- Social-familial relationship vs. genetic paternity, newstime Pro7/ Sat1 v. 26.10.2023
- WDR Morgenecho, Surrogacy in Ukraine, on 20 October 2023 (ARD Audiothek)
- British divorce law - 5 Years Separation Law (Boris Becker), BILD Zeitung 07.09.2023
- Surrogacy, BILD am Sonntag from 05.02.2023
- Deportation threatens imprisonment, the case of Boris Becker, RTL News v. 15.12.2022
- Surrogacy in Ukraine, Der Spiegel v. 16.09.2022
- Risk - pregnancy, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin v. 12.08.2022
- Fertility law, Podcast Andreas Berwing (honest leadership) June 2022
- Born in war - a wish child from Kiev, arte v. 31.05.2022
- Making dreams come true, Anwaltsblatt v. 02.05.2022
- Desire to have children without a partner, Stern TV v. 27.04.2022
- Surrogacy in Ukraine, NZZ v. 20.04.2022
- Violence blocks the system, HAZ v. 13.04.2022
- Babies in the bunker: Surrogate mothers in Ukraine, Weltspiegel (SWR) v. 09.04.2022 (ARD Audiothek)
- Why the war also endangers babies of German parents, Domradio v. 07.04.2022
- Ukrainian surrogate mothers between the fronts, Deutsche Welle (DW) v. 28.03.2022
- Surrogacy in Ukraine, BR of 31.07.2021
- Who pays after the separation? Welt am Sonntag from 27.09.2020
- Corona chaos with surrogacy in Ukraine, DW v. 25.05.2020
- Child abuse, protection mandate of the youth welfare office, NDR, Hallo Niedersachsen v. 11.5.2019
- Surrogacy is prohibited in Germany. How can couples still fulfil their most fervent wish for a child of their own? Bunte v. 05.07.2020