Britta Schönborn
Britta Schönborn
- Born in Wolfsburg in 1968
- After graduating from high school (1987 in Lage / Lippe), studied law in Augsburg and Göttingen, specialising in family and inheritance law
- Part-time work as a research assistant at a family law department. Legal clerkship in Hamburg from 1995
- Positions and part-time work in the law firm Schneider Stein & Partner since 02/1996
- Since October 1997 as a lawyer and since 2019 as a partner in the law firm Schneider Stein & Partner, working exclusively in family and inheritance law
- 2000 Specialist lawyer for family law
- Admission to the Hanseatic OLG Hamburg 2002
- Additional training in family mediation
- Additional training CLP lawyer
- Lectures at lawyers' training courses
Foreign language
- English
- Hamburg Bar Association
- Working group on family law in the German Bar Association
- German Family Court Conference e.V.
- Cooperative Practice North e.V.
Honorary posts
- Regional representative of the DAV family law working group for the Higher Regional Court district of Hamburg (until 2023)
- Member of the Executive Committee of the DAV Family Law Working Group