Gerd Uecker
Gerd Uecker
- Born 1955
- A-levels in Marne/Holstein 1974
- Studied law and legal clerkship in Hamburg
- Joined Schneider Stein & Partner as a lawyer in 1985, partner in the firm since 1987
- Admission to the Hanseatic OLG 1990
- Specialist lawyer for family law since 1998, successfully completed specialist tax law course
- Specialising in inheritance and family law with particular emphasis on business and tax aspects
- Co-author of the "Practical Handbook of Family Law"
- Organisation of further training events for specialist lawyers by the H.F.F.
Foreign language
- Hamburg Bar Association
- Working group on family law in the DAV
- German Family Court Conference
- German Society for Inheritance Law
- Lawyers Union Specialised Lawyers
- AuF Anwaltunion Fachanwälte (graphic)
( - International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML)
Honorary posts
Long-standing member of the board of the Hamburg Bar Association (until 2018), former board member and member of the executive committee of the Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg, member of the board of the German Bar Association.
- Co-author of Scholz/Kleffmann/Doering-Strining "Praxishandbuch Familienrecht" (chapter "International family law" and "Property law equalisation claims outside matrimonial property law"), published by C.H.Beck, Munich
- On the question of the admissibility of temporary injunction proceedings to regulate separation maintenance for Germans living abroad before German courts, FPR 2013, p. 35
- Allocation of the matrimonial home and partition auction, FPR 2013, p. 367
- Co-author of "Fachanwaltskommentar Familienrecht" (chapter "Nachehelicher Unterhalt"), Luchterhand Verlag
- Co-author of "Handbuch Familienvermögensrecht" (chapter "Sondervermögen Haushalt"), Luchterhand Verlag
- When the sky is too blue above the OLG in family law . . ., Commentary, Anwaltsblatt 2013, p. 810
- Ownership of household items, the legal presumption and its rebuttal, NZFam 2015, p. 1
- Inheritance tax and modified equalisation of gains - risks and side effects, ErbR 2017, p. 249.
- Walks through the forest, FF 2014, p. 185
- When the citizen realises that his judge is new ..., Anwaltsblatt 8+9 / 2014, p. 726
- Comments on the OLG Bamberg NJW 2017, NJW 2017, p. 1688 f
- Weinreich / Klein: FA Family Law Commentary (previous edition), co-author
- Family law legal relationships with a foreign connection, Münchner Anwaltshandbuch Familienrecht, 2020, p. 1613
- Transfer and increase of assets in the formalised couple relationship - the connection of ancillary property law, Dialog Familienrecht 4' Europa als Taktgeber für das internationale Familienrecht', 2022, p. 161